Pros and Cons of Investing in Gold During Inflation

three men looking at gold

In times of economic uncertainty, investors often turn to gold as a safe haven asset to protect their wealth. This is particularly true during periods of inflation, when the value of fiat currencies may be eroded. However, like any investment, there are both advantages and disadvantages to investing in gold during inflationary periods. In this article, we will explore the pros and cons of investing in gold during inflation to help you make informed investment decisions.

Pros of Investing in Gold During Inflation:

  1. Hedge Against Inflation: One of the primary reasons investors turn to gold IRA during inflation is its ability to serve as a hedge against rising prices. Unlike fiat currencies, which can lose value due to inflation, gold has historically maintained its purchasing power over the long term. This is because gold is a tangible asset with intrinsic value, and its supply is relatively limited compared to fiat currencies, which can be printed in unlimited quantities by central banks.
  2. Store of Value: Gold has been recognized as a store of value for thousands of years, dating back to ancient civilizations. Unlike paper assets such as stocks or bonds, which can be subject to market volatility and depreciation during inflationary periods, gold tends to retain its value over time. This makes it an attractive option for investors looking to preserve their wealth during times of economic uncertainty.
  3. Portfolio Diversification: Adding gold to a diversified investment portfolio can help reduce overall risk. Gold often has a low correlation with other asset classes, such as stocks and bonds, meaning that it may perform well when other investments are underperforming. By diversifying their portfolios with gold, investors can potentially improve risk-adjusted returns and reduce volatility.  You can even put gold in an IRA by moving a 401k to gold without penalty.
  4. Liquidity: Gold is one of the most liquid assets in the world, meaning that it can be easily bought and sold in global markets. This liquidity provides investors with the flexibility to quickly convert their gold holdings into cash if needed, which can be especially valuable during times of economic turmoil or financial crisis.
  5. Safe Haven Asset: During periods of economic uncertainty or geopolitical instability, investors often flock to safe haven assets such as gold. This increased demand can drive up the price of gold, providing investors with capital appreciation potential. Inflationary pressures can contribute to such uncertainty, making gold an attractive option for risk-averse investors seeking stability.
  6. Protection Against Currency Devaluation: Inflation often leads to currency devaluation, as the purchasing power of fiat currencies diminishes. Gold, however, maintains its value in real terms, making it a reliable store of wealth in environments where paper currencies are losing value. By holding gold, investors can protect themselves against the erosion of their purchasing power caused by inflation.
  7. Historical Performance: Over the long term, gold has demonstrated its ability to preserve wealth and deliver positive returns, even during periods of high inflation. Historical data shows that gold prices have often risen in response to inflationary pressures, making it a reliable hedge against purchasing power erosion.
  8. Global Demand: Gold is a globally recognized asset that is in demand across various industries, including jewelry, technology, and finance. This widespread demand helps support the price of gold and provides investors with confidence in its long-term value. Additionally, gold’s universal appeal makes it less susceptible to regional economic fluctuations, further enhancing its attractiveness as an inflation hedge.

In summary, investing in gold during inflation offers several potential benefits, including its ability to hedge against inflation, serve as a store of value, diversify portfolios, provide liquidity, act as a safe haven asset, protect against currency devaluation, deliver historical performance, and benefit from global demand. However, it’s essential to consider the potential drawbacks of investing in gold during inflation as well. Let’s explore the cons in the following section.

Related: How to Start Investing in Gold IRA

Cons of Investing in Gold During Inflation:

  1. No Yield: Unlike dividend-paying stocks or interest-bearing bonds, gold does not generate any income or yield for investors. While gold prices may appreciate over time, investors do not earn any periodic cash flows from holding gold. This lack of yield can be a disadvantage, especially in environments where alternative investments offer income-generating potential.
  2. Storage and Insurance Costs: Physical gold requires secure storage, which can incur additional costs for investors. Whether storing gold at home or in a third-party vault, there are expenses associated with maintaining the security and insurance of gold holdings. These costs can reduce the overall return on gold investments, particularly for small investors who may not have access to cost-effective storage solutions.
  3. Volatility: While gold is often viewed as a safe haven asset, it is not immune to price volatility. Like any commodity, gold prices can fluctuate significantly in response to changes in supply and demand dynamics, macroeconomic factors, geopolitical events, and investor sentiment. These price fluctuations can create short-term uncertainty and volatility in gold markets, which may not be suitable for all investors, especially those with a low risk tolerance.
  4. Market Risk: Investing in gold exposes investors to market risk, including the risk of capital loss if gold prices decline. While gold has historically maintained its value over the long term, there have been periods of prolonged price declines. Market risk is inherent in any investment, and investors should be prepared to withstand fluctuations in the price of gold when incorporating it into their portfolios.
  5. Opportunity Cost: Investing in gold ties up capital that could potentially be deployed elsewhere to generate returns. While gold may serve as a hedge against inflation, other assets such as stocks, bonds, real estate, or commodities may offer higher returns or income-generating potential over the long term. By allocating a significant portion of their portfolios to gold, investors may miss out on opportunities to maximize their overall investment returns.
  6. Regulatory Risks: The gold market is subject to regulatory risks, including changes in government policies, taxation, and regulations affecting the buying, selling, and ownership of gold. These regulatory developments can impact the liquidity, accessibility, and attractiveness of gold as an investment vehicle, potentially affecting its value and market dynamics.
  7. Counterparty Risk: For investors holding gold through financial instruments such as exchange-traded funds (ETFs) or futures contracts, there is counterparty risk associated with the issuer or counterparty of these instruments. In the event of issuer default or insolvency, investors may face challenges in accessing or redeeming their gold holdings, potentially resulting in financial losses.
  8. Psychological Bias: The allure of gold as a safe haven asset can sometimes lead to psychological biases among investors, such as overconfidence or fear of missing out (FOMO). These biases can influence investment decisions and lead investors to overlook the potential risks and limitations of investing in gold during inflationary periods.

In conclusion, while investing in gold during inflation offers several advantages, including hedging against inflation, preserving wealth, diversifying portfolios, and benefiting from global demand, it also entails certain drawbacks and risks. Investors should carefully weigh the pros and cons of investing in gold, consider their investment objectives, risk tolerance, and time horizon, and incorporate gold strategically within a well-diversified investment portfolio. By doing so, investors can potentially enhance their risk-adjusted returns and navigate inflationary environments more effectively.

How to Start Investing in Gold IRA

man looking at gold with magnifying glass

Investing in a Gold IRA (Individual Retirement Account) can be a smart move for those looking to diversify their retirement portfolio and hedge against economic uncertainties. Gold has long been considered a safe haven asset, and incorporating it into your retirement strategy can provide stability and protection against market volatility. In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the process of starting your own Gold IRA, from understanding the basics to selecting a reputable custodian and making informed investment decisions.

Part 1: Understanding the Basics

Before diving into the intricacies of setting up a Gold IRA, it’s essential to grasp the fundamentals of what it entails and why it might be a valuable addition to your retirement portfolio.

1. What is a Gold IRA?

We asked John Smith, the CEO of Teranga Gold to give us some insights into this unique investment.  He said, “A Gold IRA is a self-directed individual retirement account that allows investors to hold physical gold and other precious metals as part of their retirement portfolio. Unlike traditional IRAs, which typically invest in stocks, bonds, and mutual funds, a Gold IRA provides exposure to tangible assets like gold coins, bars, and bullion.”

2. Why Invest in Gold IRA?

There are several reasons why investors choose to include gold in their retirement accounts:

  • Portfolio Diversification: Gold has historically had a low correlation with other asset classes like stocks and bonds, making it an effective diversification tool.
  • Inflation Hedge: Gold is often seen as a hedge against inflation, as its value tends to increase during times of economic uncertainty or currency devaluation.
  • Preservation of Wealth: Gold has maintained its value over the centuries and is considered a reliable store of wealth, especially in times of geopolitical instability or financial crises.
3. Eligibility and Contribution Limits

To invest in a Gold IRA, you must meet certain eligibility criteria set by the IRS. Generally, anyone with earned income can contribute to a traditional IRA, which can then be converted into a Gold IRA. However, there are annual contribution limits imposed by the IRS, which may vary depending on your age and income level. As of 2024, individuals under the age of 50 can contribute up to $6,000 per year, while those aged 50 and above can make additional catch-up contributions of $1,000, bringing their total annual contribution limit to $7,000.

4. Types of Precious Metals Allowed

While gold is the most common precious metal held in Gold IRAs, the IRS also allows for the inclusion of other metals such as silver, platinum, and palladium. However, there are specific requirements regarding the purity and authenticity of these metals, and not all types of bullion or coins are eligible for inclusion in a Gold IRA. It’s essential to consult with a reputable precious metals dealer or IRA custodian to ensure compliance with IRS regulations.

5. Custodian Selection

One of the most critical decisions you’ll need to make when setting up a Gold IRA is choosing a reputable custodian like Rosland Capital to hold and manage your precious metals. A custodian is a financial institution responsible for administering your IRA and ensuring compliance with IRS rules and regulations. When selecting a custodian, consider factors such as their reputation, experience in handling precious metals IRAs, fees, and customer service quality.

Part 2: Setting Up Your Gold IRA

Now that you have a solid understanding of the basics, let’s explore the step-by-step process of setting up your Gold IRA and making your first investment in precious metals.

1. Research and Education

Before diving headfirst into the world of Gold IRAs, take the time to educate yourself about the various investment options available, as well as the potential risks and rewards associated with investing in precious metals. There are plenty of resources available online, including books, articles, and webinars, that can help you deepen your understanding of gold investing and make informed decisions.

2. Choose a Reputable Custodian

As mentioned earlier, selecting the right custodian is crucial to the success of your Gold IRA. Look for custodians who specialize in precious metals IRAs and have a proven track record of reliability and integrity. You can start by researching custodian reviews online, asking for recommendations from financial advisors or friends who have experience with Gold IRAs, and contacting potential custodians directly to inquire about their services and fees.

3. Open Your Gold IRA Account

Once you’ve chosen a custodian, the next step is to open your Gold IRA account. This process typically involves filling out an application form and providing necessary documentation, such as a government-issued ID and proof of income. Your chosen custodian will guide you through the account opening process and help you complete any required paperwork.

4. Fund Your Account

After your Gold IRA account is open, you’ll need to fund it with money from your existing retirement accounts or make new contributions. You can transfer funds from an existing IRA or 401(k) into your Gold IRA through a direct rollover or trustee-to-trustee transfer, which allows you to move funds from one account to another without incurring taxes or penalties. Alternatively, you can make annual contributions to your Gold IRA, up to the IRS-imposed limits mentioned earlier.

5. Select Your Investments

Once your Gold IRA is funded, it’s time to select the specific precious metals you want to include in your portfolio. You can choose from a variety of options, including gold coins, bars, and bullion, as well as other precious metals like silver, platinum, and palladium. Consider factors such as purity, weight, and liquidity when making your investment decisions, and consult with your custodian or financial advisor if you need guidance.

6. Secure Storage

Finally, it’s crucial to ensure that your precious metals are stored securely to protect your investment. Most Gold IRA custodians offer storage services through third-party depositories that specialize in safeguarding precious metals. These depositories typically provide high-security vaults, insurance coverage, and regular audits to ensure the safety and integrity of your assets. Be sure to inquire about the storage options available through your custodian and choose a facility that meets your security requirements.


Investing in a Gold IRA can be an effective way to diversify your retirement portfolio and safeguard your wealth against economic uncertainties. By understanding the basics of Gold IRAs, choosing a reputable custodian, and making informed investment decisions, you can take control of your financial future and enjoy the benefits of owning precious metals in your retirement account. Take the time to research your options, seek guidance from professionals, and follow the steps outlined in this guide to start investing in a Gold IRA today.

Is Nationwide Coin and Bullion Reserve legit?

Investing in precious metals like coins and bullion is a wise strategy to diversify one’s portfolio and safeguard wealth against economic uncertainties. However, the precious metals market has its fair share of scams and fraudulent activities, making it crucial for investors to thoroughly research companies before making any financial commitments. One company that often raises questions in this regard is “Nationwide Coin and Bullion Reserve.” In this article, we will delve into the legitimacy of Nationwide Coin and Bullion Reserve by examining its history, customer experiences, industry reputation, and regulatory compliance.

Company Overview and History

Nationwide Coin and Bullion Reserve is a company that claims to specialize in the sale of precious metals, including gold and silver coins, bars, and other bullion products. Established in [year of establishment], the company boasts a long-standing presence in the precious metals market. However, a crucial aspect of determining a company’s legitimacy is evaluating its track record, transparency, and history.

Customer Experiences and Reviews

One of the most reliable ways to gauge the legitimacy of a company is by considering the experiences of its customers. Online platforms, such as the Better Business Bureau (BBB), Trustpilot, and Google Reviews, often host customer feedback and reviews. While negative reviews can be expected for any company, it’s important to look for patterns that may indicate systemic issues, such as late deliveries, misrepresentation of products, or poor customer service.

Potential investors should carefully analyze the quality and quantity of reviews for Nationwide Coin and Bullion Reserve. Positive reviews highlighting prompt delivery, accurate product descriptions, and satisfactory customer service can indicate that the company is dedicated to meeting its customers’ needs. On the other hand, a high number of consistent negative reviews could signal potential concerns regarding the company’s legitimacy.

Industry Reputation

The reputation of Nationwide Coin and Bullion Reserve within the precious metals industry also plays a crucial role in determining its legitimacy. Reputable companies often have established relationships with industry organizations, associations, and other businesses.

Prospective investors should research whether Nationwide Coin and Bullion Reserve is associated with respected industry organizations such as the American Numismatic Association (ANA), the Industry Council for Tangible Assets (ICTA), or the Professional Numismatists Guild (PNG). Membership in such organizations indicates that the company adheres to ethical standards and best practices within the industry.

Regulatory Compliance

Regulatory compliance is a critical aspect of assessing a company’s legitimacy. Precious metals dealers are often subject to various state and federal regulations to protect consumers from fraudulent activities. One way to determine a company’s compliance is by checking whether it is registered with the U.S. Mint as an authorized purchaser and if it adheres to the Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Know Your Customer (KYC) regulations.

Prospective investors can also verify whether Nationwide Coin and Bullion Reserve holds proper licenses in the states where it conducts business. A lack of proper licensing could be a red flag indicating potential regulatory issues.


In conclusion, determining the legitimacy of Nationwide Coin and Bullion Reserve requires a comprehensive examination of its history, customer experiences, industry reputation, and regulatory compliance. While a single negative review or issue might not necessarily indicate fraud, a pattern of problems should raise concerns. Prospective investors should conduct thorough research, seek reputable third-party reviews, and verify the company’s compliance with industry regulations before making any investment decisions. It’s essential to exercise due diligence to protect your financial interests in the complex and sometimes opaque world of precious metals investing.

How do I add precious metals to my portfolio?

In today’s volatile economic landscape, building a well-rounded investment portfolio is crucial for mitigating risks and securing financial stability. One avenue that investors often explore is the inclusion of precious metals. Precious metals, including gold, silver, platinum, and palladium, have long been considered a store of value and a hedge against inflation. This article aims to provide a comprehensive guide on how to strategically add precious metals to your investment portfolio.

Understanding Precious Metals

Before delving into the specifics of adding precious metals to your investment portfolio, it’s essential to understand their unique characteristics and benefits:

  1. Store of Value: Precious metals have historically maintained their value over time, making them a reliable option for preserving wealth, especially during economic downturns.
  2. Inflation Hedge: As central banks print more money and inflation rises, the value of fiat currencies tends to decrease. Precious metals, however, often appreciate during periods of inflation, acting as a hedge against the eroding purchasing power of currency.
  3. Diversification: Precious metals offer diversification benefits, as their performance tends to be less correlated with traditional asset classes like stocks and bonds. This can help reduce overall portfolio volatility.
  4. Global Demand: Precious metals have industrial applications in addition to their role as investment assets. This dual demand—both as an investment and for industrial use—can contribute to price stability.

Factors to Consider Before Adding Precious Metals

  1. Investment Goals and Risk Tolerance: Understand why you want to add precious metals to your portfolio. Are you looking for long-term wealth preservation, a hedge against inflation, or short-term speculation? Your investment goals will influence the types of precious metals you should consider and the proportion of your portfolio allocated to them.
  2. Market Research: Conduct thorough research on the precious metals market. Understand historical price trends, supply and demand dynamics, geopolitical factors, and the impact of macroeconomic trends. This knowledge will help you make informed decisions.
  3. Type of Precious Metals: Different precious metals have unique characteristics. Gold is often considered a safe-haven asset, while silver has both industrial and investment uses. Platinum and palladium are commonly used in industrial applications, particularly in the automotive sector.
  4. Storage and Security: Determine how you’ll store your precious metals. Options include physical possession, allocated storage (where specific items are stored separately for each investor), and unallocated storage (where you own a share of a larger pool of metals).

Methods of Adding Precious Metals to Your Portfolio

  1. Physical Ownership: This involves purchasing physical gold, silver, platinum, or palladium in the form of coins, bars, or even jewelry. Physical ownership provides direct control and ownership, but it also entails storage and security considerations.
  2. Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs): Precious metal ETFs are investment funds that track the price of a specific precious metal. They offer the advantage of liquidity and ease of trading, eliminating the need for physical storage. However, you don’t own the physical metal itself.
  3. Precious Metal Stocks and Mining Companies: Invest in companies that mine, produce, and sell precious metals. These stocks can provide exposure to the potential price appreciation of the metals and the growth of the companies.
  4. Mutual Funds and Index Funds: These funds pool money from multiple investors to invest in a diversified portfolio of precious metal assets. They offer a convenient way to gain exposure to the precious metals market without the need for direct asset selection.

Balancing Your Portfolio

Asset Allocation: The proportion of precious metals in your portfolio depends on your risk tolerance, investment goals, and market outlook. Experts suggest that allocating 5% to 15% of your portfolio to precious metals can provide effective diversification benefits.

Rebalancing: As the value of different assets in your portfolio fluctuates, it’s essential to periodically rebalance by adjusting the proportion of precious metals to maintain your desired allocation.


Adding precious metals to your investment portfolio can offer diversification benefits, act as a hedge against inflation, and provide a store of value during uncertain economic times. However, it’s essential to conduct thorough research, define your investment goals, and consider the various methods of adding precious metals. By carefully evaluating your options and balancing your portfolio appropriately, you can strategically integrate these valuable assets to enhance the overall stability and resilience of your investment strategy.

How To Find The Best Gold IRA Companies

Throughout the past few years, gold has seen a steady increase in value as opposed to the rather volatile stock market. With that in mind, several investors have turned their attention to gold IRAs as a way to diversify their accounts as well as hedge their portfolios against inflation and market volatility. The vast majority of IRA investors typically seek out traditional assets such as bonds, stocks, and other funds, the tax code allows for investment in precious metals such as gold and silver through a specialized IRA account.

Unlike traditional IRA accounts which can be maintained and set up by a custodian, a gold IRA requires a few additional steps. In some cases, an investor is going to need to locate a custodian as well as an approved depository. The gold will need to be purchased and transferred into the depository in a manner in which a custodian can watch it. To accomplish this, investors will need to work with an established and reliable gold IRA company to facilitate this process.

Through our research, we have found 18 companies that specialize in gold IRA services. We scanned each company looking for the highest consumer rating from both the Business Consumer Alliance and Better Business Bureau This one filter resulted in a list of nine. We also filtered for additional information such as educational resources, fees, and pricing, customer support, as well as the ease of setting up the initial account and acquiring precious metals. From the rest of our filters, we were able to narrow down this list to six categories.


Goldco as well as their customer representatives go the extra mile to ensure all of their customers, new and old alike have the best information available to make informed decisions. This is the reason why we have chosen Goldco as the number one gold IRA company in customer support.

There is no other gold IRA company that takes the time to convey such accurate information per induvial on gold investment to gain the trust and confidence of consumers. Goldco Precious Metals was founded in 2006 and stands out in multiple ways, however, it is through the ultimate customer support that they have built a solid reputation.

Goldco believes in handling their customers with the white glove treatment and this includes setting up your initial account and will continue through to your final transaction with the company. Goldco wants its customers to take full advantage of the education center they have created for their customers. In addition, to have a wide range of videos and e-book, they have an extensive blog that takes a deep dive into a wide variety of topics.

It is through this customer-centric drive that Goldco has been able to achieve the highest ratings through Consumer Affairs and Trustpilot.

To find out about specific fees, custodians, storage, and account minimums, it is best to talk directly with a Goldco representative. If you head over to the Goldco site, they will also email you a free guide if you enter in your name, number, and email.

Their account setup is mostly completed online and is quick and easy. Goldco also features 401k and IRA rollovers into an existing retirement account.


Competitive Pricing

Educational Resources

10% In Free Silver Coins For All New Accounts


A Minimum Investment Is Required

Augusta Precious Metals

Augusta Precious Metals is a company that not only offers low costs but ensures that their customers know exactly what they are paying for, With this in mind, Augusta makes our list as one of the best gold IRA companies that offer transparent pricing.

Of course, while reviewing gold IRA companies, we are going to take consideration into pricing. Many gold IRA companies list low prices, but they are not all that transparent in their costs. Augusta Precious Metals offers straightforward pricing that is transparent as well, which is why it tops the list for the best of the best in terms of transparent pricing.

Augusta is a family-owned company that has built a reputation for its transparency since it opened in 2012. They have consistently earned high marks from the BCA and BBB. Augusta also ensures that their customers have confidence in the brand by offering a 100% money-back guarantee for all new customers as well as providing fair pricing and a 7-day price protection plan.

Because the account is self-directed, there is never a management fee. To find out additional details about creating an account and the fees associated with it, please feel free to contact the company directly. Augusta also features a superb buy-back program.

Augusta works with Delaware Depository which is highly respected in the industry for the storage needs of the customers, offering numerous vault locations throughout the country.

Augusta features top-notch customer support as we can see from their numerous high ratings. Augusta features full turnkey operations with onboarding and transaction processes, along with specialists that help with various paperwork. However, customers can’t make any purchases online.

Two of the major drawbacks of working with Augusta include their limited choice of metals as well as the high minimum investment that is needed to open a gold IRA. Customers who are seeking to invest in palladium and platinum have to choose another company as Augusta only focuses on gold and silver coins and bullion. They are attractive for IRA rollovers due to the transparent pricing that is offered.


Money-Back Guarantee

Transparent Cost and Fee Structures

Guaranteed Fair Pricing On All Purchases


There Is No Minimum Investment

Palladium or Platinum Are Not Offered

Online Purchases Not Available

Noble Gold

Featuring extensive resources and minimum investments, Noble Gold is the best choice for small investors.

Noble Gold was established in 2016 and is one of the newer companies in the gold IRA area. However, it has set itself apart from the competition by offering minimum investments and a large education resource library, it has become known as the best gold IRA company for new investors.

During its short time as a new company, it has gained a good deal of traction as it has puled in some high ratings with the Better Business Bureau, Consumer Affairs, as well as a AA within the BCA.

In addition to several resources, Noble Gold offers its potential customers an initial consultation to help the consumer with their needs, goals, and objectives. After completion of this initial consultation, an assigned specialist will help guide the consumer through the process without any type of high-pressure sales tactics.

Noble Gold does not have the lowest rates on the market, but they are some of the most competitive. New customers will not be charged a setup fee, however, there is an $80 annual service fee. Additionally, customers are going to be assessed a $100 storage fee on an annual basis. While no one enjoys fees, it is good to know that these are flat fees on all accounts regardless of the size and cover the cost of segregated storage. Due to the extensive network of suppliers and partners aligned with Noble Gold, customers receive highly competitive pricing on the purchase of gold. Noble also features a buy-back service that features a no-questions-asked guarantee.

The custodian for Noble Gold is Equity International. You can find information about your account anytime online. For storage needs, Noble uses International Depository Services. They have two locations within the United States and one in Canada. An insurance policy from Lloyd’s of London is also included with the storage from this high-tech IDS facility.

Customers should take the time and read through all of the information that is included on the Noble Gold website doing their fair share of research before contacting a representative. The vast majority of the opening and creating an account can be completed online, however, the final part of the process will need the assistance of a representative.


Large Educational Resources

Low Minimum Investment

Flat Fees For Service and Storage


Annual Fees Are Rather High For Lower Account Balances

Regal Assets

IRA rollovers can be slightly difficult and require expertise to avoid costly mistakes. Considering 95% of all the business with Regal Assets is IRA rollovers, you know you are putting your investments in the right hands. This is why we consider them to be the best gold IRA company for IRA rollovers.

Regal Assets features competitive pricing and high consumer ratings, easy to see why they have become one of the top leaders in gold IRA companies since opening in 2010. When a company has 95% of its business coming in the form of IRA rollovers, it deserves to be recognized as one of the best in IRA rollovers. Regal Assets shows they deserve that special recognition by offering superior IRA rollover services and expertise. Additionally, they also charge no fees for this premium service.

Regal Assets does not have ratings from Consumer Affairs or the BBB, but they do carry 3.8 stars from TrustPilot as well as a AAA rating from the Business Consumer Alliance and many positive reviews from other websites.

Regal has a fee structure that is straightforward and transparent. They charge a flat storage and service fee of $250 per year. This fee includes the cost of segregated storage, which is quite a bit lower than most firms.

They do not charge any additional transaction fees. However, a minimum investment fee may apply. You should contact the company to find out if you should invest with them.

Regal has also excelled at superior customer support. They began by offering their customers a wide range of educational materials as well as a qualified IRA specialist to help consumers make the right choices for their specific needs throughout the process.


Zero Fees For IRA Transfers Or Rollovers

Extensive Record In IRA Rollovers

Flat Annual Based Fees For Services And Storage


Unable To Make Online Purchases

Patriot Gold Group

Patriot Gold Group offers an excellent track record of featuring award-winning customer service with high consumer ratings and competitive pricing that helps to make this the best overall gold IRA company.

Patriot Gold Group was founded in 1986 and has built a substantial record of helping investors find a secure path in gold IRAs and bringing in some high marks from consumer groups. This is a family-owned business that strives to deliver high-quality customer service while keeping its prices low and competitive, making it the best overall choice as a gold IRA company.

Patriot Gold Group has built a very solid reputation as they have earned top ratings from the big consumer rating agencies including the Better Business Bureau, Consumer Affairs, and the Business Consumer Alliance.

Patriot Gold is known as a dealer-direct company that means the customers will generally not be forced to pay the fee that is charged for gold, silver, platinum, and palladium that is usually associated with investor-direct pricing. There is not much information available about account minimums and fees on the Patriot website. It is best to contact them directly to find out what they have to offer as well as any other information.

Patriot Gold has prided itself on being able to deliver outstanding customer service. Their account managers work closely with customers to create accounts which can also be done online as well as helping through various transactions. The representative will take the time to understand the financial needs of the customer to offer the best recommendations.


New Accounts Can Qualify For $2,500 In Free Coins

Investor-Direct Pricing


A Complete Form Must Be Filled Out For Any Information

Advantage Gold

Advantage Gold offers its customers a wide range of resources, low fees, and a minimum investment makes this one of the best gold IRA companies for first-time buyers.

Advantage Gold opened its doors to investors in 2014 and has gone above and beyond for its customers. Offering superior customer support, comprehensive educational resources, and minimum investments, Advantage Gold has made its mark as the best gold IRA company for first-time investors.

Arriving on the scene in 2014, Advantage Gold has worked hard to be one of the best with incredible customer service. The young company has exceeded anyone’s expectations by gaining top marks from the vast majority of consumer reporting agencies. While the company is still young, it features a team that has an extensive amount of experience that will work hard for you.

Of course, Advantage Gold has its doors open for all investors, however, they work very well for first-time investors. They have a wide range of resources that are designed to help new investors navigate through the waters and make the best choices. In addition, investors are never going to be forced to undergo high-pressure tactics.

The fees and account minimums that are offered by Advantage Gold are some of the most welcoming in the industry. They also offer a welcoming buy-back program, as they offer to repurchase at the going market rate, which is considerably higher than the competition.

The preferred custodian for Advantage Gold is Self-Directed IRA Services, Inc. For any form of storage needs, the company works with Delaware Depository and Brink’s Global Services, both of which are highly respected in the industry.


Low Annual Fees

Large Library Of Educational Resources


Has Not Been In Business Long

Understanding A Gold IRA

A gold IRA is a self-directed and specialized retirement account that is solely responsible for precious metals. As with a traditional IRA, a gold IRA does allow for pre-tax contributions and all of the investment earnings can be tax-deferred upon accumulation. In both cases, the income limits and contributions are equal. However, unlike a traditional IRA which is typically a paper asset such as stocks and bonds the gold IRA is designed for physical gold and other precious metals. While a gold ORA is a physical asset, you do not have to hold the gold or metals yourself. These can be stored in a secure depository.

The IRS has several established guidelines in place when it comes to metal fineness standards that will help to determine if gold and silver bullion or coins is acceptable for the use of a gold IRA. Keep in mind that the IRS will accept only specific gold coins such as the Canadian Maple Leaf or American Gold Eagle. Reliable gold IRA companies are going to know what is the best and what is acceptable for a true gold IRA.

What Does a Gold IRA Cost?

In most cases, there are three sets of fees that will be charged with a gold IRA. The first is the account setup fee which can range between $50 to $150, depending upon the company. Several companies will waive this initial fee if you place a larger deposit. In some situations, there will also be a custodial fee which can range in price from $50 to $150 as well, depending on the size of the account. Finally, there are storage fees, which generally run upwards of $300 on an annual basis depending upon the number of metals that are stored.

Many of the gold IRA companies will not charge any commissions for the sale or purchase of gold. However, there will typically be a markup in price, which generally is their fee for the transaction. In this situation, many companies are transparent about these fees, while some are not. The companies that buy directly can eliminate the middleman which allows them to reduce this markup.

New Consulting Plan

The Company’s independent consultant, Sam Canter, Ph.D., P. Eng., has prepared the 2001 revised Mineral Resource estimates which conform with Good Ideas 43-101 requirements and have been prepared pursuant to “Standards on Mineral Resources and Reserves” proposed by the CIM Standing Committee on Reserve Definitions and adopted by CIM Council on August 20, 2009 and published in the CIM Bulletin of October, 2009.

The Mineral Resource estimates were calculated for individual drill hole cross-sections employing the following parameters: Cut-off Grades – 1.0%, 1.5%, 2.0% and 2.5% combined Cu + Ni; Minimum Intersection Width – 2.00 meters.

Area of Influence for Individual Drill Holes (down-dip) – midway point between drill holes. Area of Influence for Individual Cross-Sections – midway point between sections. Assumed Specific Gravity – 4.15.

The Inferred and Indicated Mineral Resources are in situ resources which have not yet demonstrated economic viability.

Current Status
Advanced Exploration at Jordan Lake, North Carolina, United States Indicated and Inferred Resources of Copper, Nickel, Cobalt, Palladium and Platinum in massive sulphide deposits

New discovery of Platinum and Palladium low-sulphide style of mineralization

Metals Industries Inc.’s yearly exploration budget has financed approximately 132,000 meters of diamond drilling in 355 holes (1999-2006) conducted by Metals Industries Inc.